任何感兴趣的团体或个人,请致信 hanxue@guanhaobio.com 或者加微信号0015147926688 预约冠昊在波士顿期间的面谈时间,或者就您对于冠昊科技园的投资和服务需求进行长期交流。
Guanhao Biotech Incubator Saloon and Dinner
Sponsored by Guanhao Biotech Inc(Stock Code:300328) and located in Guangzhou Economic Development Zone, Guanhao incubator is engaged in incubating start-ups and transferring bio-health technologies to Chinese market. With the GMP-certified facilities as the infrastructures and the full package of value-added professional services covering seeding, start-up, growth, IPO and buy-out stages, our legal, accounting, HR, govermental funding application, business consulting, and IP management services can meet all demands of bio-medical entrepreneurs. Furthermore, a total of 2 billion RMB Guanhao Incubator funds(demands of bio-medical entrepreneurs. Furthermore, a total of 2 billion RMB Guanhao Incubator funds( investing up to 2 million RMB as seed investment and up to 50 million RMB as growth investment) integrating equity investment, research grants and governmental funds are ready to accept applications.
In order to explore the opportunities fermenting in the strong bio-medical industry around Boston, and to explain Guanhao Incubator business models to local biotech professionals, especially to those who are interested in starting or expanding businesses in China, Guanhao Biotech delegates would like to arrange 1:1 meeting and host a group dinner event to meet talents and to get a preliminary evaluation of potential projects in Boston area during Jun. 21-23, 2015.
For any interested parties or individuals, please contact hanxue@guanhaobio.com or 0015147926688 (WeChat) to set up meeting time during their stay in Boston, or to communicate your requests for investment or services of Guanhao incubator for the long-term.